Friday, June 25, 2010

"I'm Obama's brother"

Well two of our boys are officially men now. Esau and Waiswa each killed their second chicken this weekend while all the other kids stood to watch. They even helped in the de-feathering and gutting (gross!) The kids thought it was funny and a few even posed with pictures of the nude, headless chicken. Then we got to enjoy delicious chicken soup on Sunday after church with a lot of friends. It was a great weekend. The kids’ English is really improving and it is so great to watch them grow. Victoria is a little sick so please be praying for her health. As for me, I am infested with ring worm. I have one on each arm lol. (It is very common here) Other than that this week has been quite the learning experience for me. I’ve been seeking God and trying to listen wholeheartedly to what He has to teach me.
Monday we went to Rays of Hope and painted classrooms. I am starting to learn a lot of the kids’ names and I received a bunch of notes from the kids in P3. I have even made a friend at the drink shop in Kabalagala. His name is Douglas. He owns a little phone repair booth outside of the store where we buy our water. I try to go by and say hi every day that we go out there.
That night Carrie and her friend Claire cooked dinner for us and our friends and Vicki, she was there because she went to the doctor that day. She definitely soaked up the attention of being alone and not having 16 other kids to share it with. It was funny to watch her react to being away from all the other kids. She was very clingy and wanted to be right in the center of everything we were doing. We had pasta and sausage. Victoria wasn’t sure about it but we all thought it was delicious (something familiar from home.)
Tuesday, Catherine, Mason, and I met Katrina in Garden City and bought supplies to bake cookies. We baked and watched a movie at Katrina and Jill’s apartment and then went to the Baby Home. We got to hold the premature babies. I held a little boy named Michael most of the time. Then I got to hold baby Adam. He only weighs 2 pounds. These babies are so tiny and precious. Around 5:30 we met up with everyone else for dinner and a movie.
Wednesday Catherine, Mason, Joel, and I went into the slums of Kabalagala to share Jesus with the people there. Much to our surprise, the first man we met was Jesus! (oh ya and a preacher, teacher, Muslim, and drunkard) He was quite the site. Joel said he sleeps in the classrooms at the school at night. He kept asking us how to become a preacher and then told us he was Jesus the Christ. Then a woman invited us to her home that she shared with another family. We talked to her for a while. The other woman had two disabled children and was having a hard time taking care of them alone so we prayed with her. Next we moved into the town to meet Obama’s brother (haha!!) He told Catherine to come with him to his house in Ugoslovia and she could call Obama free of charge. He also said they had 200 brothers and sisters and many helicopters that she could fly on without paying fuel cost! Many of the people we ran into were very drunk. I did get to talk with one woman named Jennifer. She asked a lot of questions about Jesus and after we talked for a while she gave her heart to Him. Once she was saved, she wanted to share with me the hardship she was having. Her husband recently died and she was caring for her four children alone. She invited us to her house and we prayed with her and two of her children. Then a friend entered the house and everyone surrendered their hearts to God that day. We are buying them Bible’s and are going to spend some time getting to know them and helping them begin their walk with the Lord. I am so excited for the way God is moving on the trip and that He spoke to this family.
That night we went to watch the USA world cup match. After we were robbed of our second goal by an unfair call of a referee we still won and are moving on!! Even though I don’t like soccer at home, it is so much fun to watch it here. It is a huge deal and everyone is really into it. I can’t wait to enjoy some more matches with our friends! The sad part is Ghana is the only African team left in the running and we play them Saturday night so it is either us or them moving on.
Dad I hope you had a great Father’s day. I wish I could have seen you or at least talked to you. I can’t wait to see you in July and tell you all about everything. Be safe going home. I love you. (p.s. I took a picture of the skyline so you can see the city that really is here lol)
I am going to upload pictures as soon as I can. The internet here isn’t the most reliable and all the times I have tried it hasn’t worked. I will try again soon. Please continue to pray that we will be completely seeking God and following His every command here. We are excited to see what is coming in this second month. I love all of you and hope to hear from you.

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